Activity Summary South sudan

As the USAID Bureau for Food Security transitions into the Bureau of Resilience and Food Security, various divisions of USAID are undergoing profound transformations. At the same time, resilience has become an integrative framework, requiring collaboration across institutional borders. It is in this context that partnerships have emerged as an important component of USAID’s resilience approach. The Partnership for Recovery and Resilience (PfRR) in South Sudan, which was recently named a resilience country, is one such partnership. PfRR is a deliberate effort to create a model of co-location, coordination, and collaboration among implementing partners, with a focus on strengthening community-level institutions for service delivery in light of South Sudan’s state fragility. In its role as a provider of backbone support to USAID/South Sudan for coordination on PfRR, Policy LINK will actively contribute to learning, with a focus on how best to track and measure resilience and engage communities, and will forge effective partnerships with donors, UN agencies, and other implementing partners.

Provide Backbone Support to Juba Level Partnernship Structures for Sensitization, Socialization and Stakeholder Engagement in the PAS and CFAs


This activity area focuses on providing backbone support to the Juba level partnership structures of the Partnership for Recovery & Resilience (PfRR), which includes the Technical Engagement Group (TEG), Steering Committee Taskforce, Steering Committee (SC), Donor Working Group (DWG), and the Joint Assessment, Measurement and Monitoring Group (JAMMG). The SC is the body of the PfRR that is responsible for policy making and vision setting. The SC brings together the highest-level decision makers from the partnering institutions within the PfRR.

Support Establishment & Advancement of Foundational Building Blocks


This activity area focuses on establishing and advancing the foundational Building Blocks through CSO engagement, facilitating community mapping, facilitating community roadmaps and scorecards, supporting joint work planning, and supporting local community engagement with CFAs. The PfRR Partnership Framework articulates eight foundational Building Blocks, which are essential processes for fostering cooperation within local communities and between local and international stakeholders, donors, UN agencies and NGOs.