Feed the Future
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Africa Lead is seeking a senior program manager to oversee the design, planning, implementation and monitoring of the East Africa program. Because of the broad nature and complexity of issues and institutions addressed by Africa Lead, the position requires outstanding conceptual, technical design and management skills. The East Africa Program Lead will have primary responsibility for leading and overseeing regional program activities. Application deadline is August 11, 2015. Further details and application instructions are on the accompanying announcement. East Africa Program Lead Advert


Africa Lead proposes to support the creation, broadcast, and launch of a pilot season of a new reality TV program called "Don’t Lose the Plot," encouraging young people to consider agribusiness as a career. Africa Lead is looking for proposals for the design, pilot, and implementation of an impact evaluation or a proposed equivalent, that can measure the success of the "Don’t Lose the Plot" television program. The deadline for proposals is 4 September 2015, COB East Africa Time. For more details, please see the full RFP and Budget Template below. **  NEW  **  Questions about the RFP have now been answered.  Also below, please find the list of questions and answers. NAI-A-0045, EA Don't Lose the Plot Impact Evaluation RFP Final NAI-A-0045, EA Impact Evaluation Budget Template List of Question for RFP-002_ Dont Lose the Plot_August 2015


Africa Lead recognizes multimedia to be a strategic vehicle for impacting the lives of millions of women and youth in Tanzania. Africa Lead is looking for proposals from media organizations or companies that can create media products that inspire women and youth to participate more actively in modern farming and agribusiness entrepreneurship. Questions from prospective applicants have been posed and answered with the results posted here. The deadline for proposals is 4 September 2015, close of business Tanzania time. For more details please see the RFP, Budget Template, and Questions and Answers below. NAI-A-0049, TZ Women and Youth Media RFP Final NAI-A-0049, TZ Women and Youth Media Budget Template List of Question for RFP-001_ Media and Youth Activity_August 2015

Africa Lead Is Hiring: Tanzania Program Lead

Africa Lead seeks a senior program manager to oversee the design, plan, and implementation of the program's work in Tanzania. Because of the broad nature and complexity of issues and institutions addressed by Africa Lead, the position requires outstanding conceptual, technical design, and management skills. Deadline for application is June 26, 2015. For more details on responsibilities, qualifications and how to apply, please click on the link below. Tanzania Program Lead Position Description_6.10.15

Recruitment Opportunities: AUC/DREA seeking three staff to support New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition Initiatives — 2-3 year appointment, Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia

The African Union Commission’s Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (AUC-DREA) has developed a staffing plan to strengthen DREA’s capacity to deliver on the New Alliance initiative in support of CAADP and the 2014 Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods.  Support is sought  for three positions: Senior Coordinator, Program Analyst, Program Assistant. Please see full details for this recruitment in attached announcements below in English et en français. DEADLINE  EXTENDED; new date to apply is June 12, 2015. SENIOR COORDINATOR 05082015_FRENCH FINALwlinkQ R-5-26 SENIOR COORDINATOR V6-050815 FINALwlinkQ R-5-26 Program Analyst AUC-DREA V6-050715FINALwlink Program AnaystJD05072015_FRENCH FINALwlink ProgramAssistant AUC-DREA, V6-050715 FINALwlink ProgramAssistantJD05072015_FRENCH FINALwlink

Africa Lead Seeks Expressions of Interest for Specialized Services

Africa Lead is issuing a request for Expression of Interest (EOI) no later than 5 June 2015 from vendors with 3 (three) years of experience in one or more of the following areas: 1.    Agriculture and food security policy research and analysis in key value chains and inputs (seeds, fertilizer, irrigation, horticulture, etc.) 2.    Management consulting, training, organizational development and institutional capacity assessment. 3.    High level event planning, organizing and facilitation. 4.    Qualitative and quantitative research expertise Vendors must  be licensed and legally organized businesses, organizations, or firms who have worked with international donor organizations (USAID, DFID, etc.). Bilingual (French and English) speaking vendors are highly encouraged to apply. Individual consultants will not be considered for this EOI. A full link to the EOI can be found here: EOI Africa Lead II 5.20.15 final draft

Communications Expert Sought for African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership

AFAP seeks technical assistance to help us structure and bring our knowledge and experiences in the policy space to the donor community, development partners, as well as to strategic governments and private sector entities. To this end we are seeking the services of a professional communications expert.  This is a part-time position requiring 20 hours of work per week from 1st April 2015 – 31st December 2015.  Deadline to submit your CV is March 3, 2015.  Please see the attached announcement for full details. Comm Expert


DEADLINE: 16 February 2015:  Africa Lead II wishes to invite eligible and qualified firms to submit sealed applications for purposes of pre-qualifying suppliers of goods and services for the period 2015 – 2016 to the East and Southern Africa Regional Office. Please download the attachment for further information and necessary forms.  Thank you for your interest in working with Africa Lead. Supplier Prequalification

New RFA from Africa Lead II Program: Internship Partnership Network

The purpose of this RFA is to solicit applications from African entities to design and operationalize an Internship Partnership Network (IPN). The purpose of the IPN will be to: (1) expand Africa Lead II’s existing network of agriculture- and agribusiness-focused intern-hosting companies and organizations; (2) provide a matching service by recruiting, placing, and supporting interns in appropriate agricultural host companies/organizations; (3) build the capacity of companies and organizations to develop their own in-house internship programs; and (4) report on and publicize the results achieved by the IPN. In soliciting grant applications from interested African entities, Africa Lead II will require bidders as part of their technical proposals to submit a clear plan for making the IPN financially self-sufficient. Africa Lead II support will not be provided to the IPN in perpetuity, so it is essential that bidders come up with a strong, credible, yet ambitious plan to become self-sufficient once financial support from Africa Lead II concludes. Open the link below to read the IPN RFA. IPN RFA-Extended Due Date-Final-Jan 8-2015

Africa Lead II West Africa Regional Office: Annual Program Statement

Africa Lead II West Africa Regional Office

Annual Program Statement

The Feed the Future: Building Capacity for African Agricultural Transformation (Africa Lead II) is a five year program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) The goal of the program is to build and expand on the foundation laid by Africa Lead, the predecessor program which successfully contributed to increasing the participation of a diverse but inter-linked set of Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) stakeholders in improving African food security policy. Africa LEAD II builds upon this foundation, while also moving into supporting the policy enabling environment and increasing support to non-state actors (NSAs) to take on a greater role. In addition to being able to draw on technical assistance and programmatic funding for implementation support, Africa Lead II has a grant facility with which it enlists support from non-governmental organizations and the private sector to help achieve these ambitious goals. The Africa Lead II grant initiative can provide assistance through in-kind awards or through direct financial support on a reimbursable or cash-advance basis. Africa Lead II may not award any grant that exceeds $50,000 USD or for a period that extends beyond the estimated completion date of base period of the Africa Lead Program (September 30th, 2018). The grant program is designed to provide this financial support while leveraging local resources and those of other donors. Eligible organizations: Africa Lead II can award grants to legally registered organizations, both U.S. and non-U.S. organizations through Ghana and West Africa, (both for-profit and non-profit). Non-US organizations should be registered under their resident country Law. In-eligible organizations: Africa Lead II cannot award grants without the prior written consent of USAID to:
  • Any U.S. entity which is a “private voluntary organization” (PVO) but has not registered as such with USAID;
  • Any entity whose name appears on the “List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Programs”;
  • Any “public international organization” (PIO);
  • Any third country foreign government;
  • Any entity affiliated with DAI or any of its directors, officers, or employees;
  • Any political party organization; and
  • Individuals.
  Eligible activities: The following are examples of activities that may be supported by grant funds. These categories and activities are illustrative only:
  • Capacity building to local partner organizations to support innovative programs for youth, women, Champions for Change, and former interns who may need assistance to start a new initiative.
  • To build capacity in training institutions.
  • Activities that provide training to people seeking employment – particularly women and youth – or create employment opportunities in Africa Lead II ’s target value chains development sectors.
  • Procurement of equipment and services to improve processing and marketing of priority agricultural products (as defined by Africa Lead II).
  • Communication and outreach campaigns targeting innovative actions supporting key NSA groups through grants may include: o   Strengthening business leadership of African farmer groups.  o   Strengthening agribusiness leaders for policy engagement. o   Strengthening the ability of African civil society to support farmers. o   Facilitating national agricultural investment
  It is usually expected that the grantee will make a contribution to the activity for which they are seeking funding. This can be either in-kind (such as labor and materials) or cash through direct financing of a portion of the grant initiative’s implementation costs. In most cases, Africa Lead II will seek a minimum contribution of 25% of the cost of activities. Africa Lead II will accept grant applications on a quarterly basis by mail, email, or hard copies starting October 1st 2014 until September 30th 2015. Quarterly application deadlines are the following:
  • October 31, 2014
  • January 31, 2015
  • March 31, 2015
  • June 30, 2015
  • September 30, 2015
A complete Annual Program Statement, application guidelines, minimum eligibility and selection criteria can be found below. To submit grant applications and request further information, please contact

Africa Lead Program A&C Shopping Mall Square 14 Jungle Road, East Legon Tel: 0577 668 040 [email protected]

 WA ALII Grant Application Guidelines
WA ALII APS Annoucement

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