Location: Nairobi, Kenya (with in-country travel)
Period of Performance: October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2018
Africa Lead Background:
The USAID Building Capacity for African Agricultural Transformation (Africa Lead II) Project is a five-year effort to support and advance the agricultural transformation in Africa as proposed by the African Union Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP), while simultaneously contributing to the Feed the Future goals of reduced hunger and poverty, by building the capacity of men and women African leaders, institutions and stakeholders to develop, lead, and manage the structures needed for the transformation process. This project has three components:
Kenyan counties in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) have suffered recurrent drought, human conflict, and a legacy of marginalization by government and international investments. With the adoption of the New Constitution in 2010, policy formulation remained a national function whereas implementation of these policies in the agriculture sector became a devolved function, carried out by the County Governments. The new devolved units of government are uniquely placed to stimulate economic growth through strengthening the governance structures to enhance the county capability to implement policies effectively. However, the nascent nature of the county government is confronted by the challenges of capacity gaps especially those related to implementation of requisite policies and design of legal and institutional frameworks to enhance service delivery. This situation is further worsened by the agro-ecological dynamics as well as constraints in coordinating past and current policy and institutional support structures and initiatives in the ASAL region.
The Partnership for Resilience and Economic Growth in Kenya (PREG) brings together humanitarian and development partners to build resilience among vulnerable pastoralist communities in northern Kenya. It includes both USAID programs and implementing partners. USAID PREG works with the Kenya National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) and county governments to coordinate resilience and economic growth activities. PREG targets nine ASAL counties. It builds on community-identified strengths and priorities, tapping into the remarkable survival abilities of local populations.
The Opportunity:
The Program Management Specialist will lead the design, implementation and monitoring of a program to strengthen the capacity of and collaboration among keys stakeholders responsible for USAID support to Kenya’s ASALs. The program consists of three components, including: 1) Develop and implement a learning agenda for the partnership for resilience and economic growth (PREG); 2) Provide institutional support to NDMA’s pillar 6: Institutional Development and Knowledge Management, in implementation of Kenya’s Ending Drought Emergency (EDE) Strategy; and 3) Support evidence – based policy and investment choices by EDE stakeholder for building resilience and economic growth in target counties.
Program Development and Management:
The Program Management Specialist will need to ensure that Concept Notes, Activity Descriptions, budgets and logistics for the Resilience portion of the program portfolio are developed and implemented. The Program Management Specialist will be required to support all aspects of the resilience portfolio including:
Capacity Building:
Internal Working Relationships and Reporting:
Qualifications, Background and Experience:
Successful candidates will have strong interpersonal, leadership and management skills as well as relevant experience implementing programs to strengthen organizational capacity and teamwork. Demonstrated past performance in managing complex projects is required. Prior experience in resilience and/or humanitarian programming desirable. Specific qualifications include:
Key Competences:
Performance Criteria:
Africa Lead II is a performance-based project, highly dependent on individuals and team core competencies. The successful candidate will therefore participate in a semi-annual evaluation and receive feedback. Based on this evaluation, decisions related to promotion or salary increase will be made.
This position will report to the Kenya Country Lead but will collaborate closely with other senior staff members, including the USAID Mission as necessary to ensure the smooth implementation of activities.
How to Apply:
If you believe you qualify for this job, kindly submit your CV and current and expected salary to [email protected] by 16th September, 2016.
Only qualified candidates will be contacted.