Africa Leading on Agriculture Supporting Country-Led Agricultural Transformation in Africa
October 29, 2019 | 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. | National Press Club, Washington, DC
Emerging lessons, opportunities and challenges for African-led agricultural policy.
Hosted in partnership with the African Union, the event entitled Africa Leading on Agriculture:Supporting Country-Led Agricultural Transformation, will focus on emerging lessons, and opportunities and challenges for African-led agricultural policy development and implementation, looking back over Africa Lead’s six years of programming and partnerships reaching across the continent.
Drawing on Africa Lead’s facilitative leadership and collaborative learning approaches, the agenda of conversations and discussions will highlight the collective experience and knowledge of key African leaders, non-state actors, and the private sector who are working on multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral reform programs. The event will also reflect on lessons from country-level efforts to advance policy-led agricultural transformation across Africa.

Collaboration for Resilience in Africa: Learning from Stable and Fragile State Contexts
Discussing emerging lessons, opportunities, and challenges in partnership with the USAID Center for Resilience
In partnership with USAID’s Center for Resilience and USAID/Kenya and East Africa, this learning event is the defining resilience event in Africa Lead’s Final Program Year Learning Series. The event is targeted towards interagency staff, implementing partners, and resilience experts and practitioners.
The objective of this event is to compare and contrast resilience approaches, interventions, and partnership efforts in stable vs. fragile states. The event will highlight lessons learned and best practices from these two different contexts based on Africa Lead resilience programming and technical backbone support to USAID-funded resilience partnership initiatives in Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia, and the East Africa region.
- Watch the replay of the event

Leadership for Africa’s Food Security: The Hard Facts about the Soft Art of Facilitative Leadership (Aug. 2019)
Held in conjunction with the final day programming of our East and Southern Africa six-month Executive Leadership Course for Africa’s Food Security, the learning event will bring together development practitioners and managers working in food security, agricultural development, resilience building and governance to engage in a compelling conversation about facilitative leadership.
The objective of this event is to learn and share lessons about how facilitative leadership is essential in making multi-stakeholder activities and processes successful and to learn how we can all use the approach more effectively.
Learning Materials
- Africa Lead Blog: Facilitative Leadership: The Cornerstone of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration
- Watch full replay

Webinar: Youth & CAADP: The Next Generation of Food Security Leaders (Sept. 2019)
- Watch the replay on Zoom
- Watch the replay on Facebook

Webinar: Assessment & Planning to Strengthen the National Institutional Architecture for Food Security – A Discussion with CAADP Country Practitioners
- Watch the webinar replay
Learning Materials

In-Person: Senegal Learning Event

Data and Dialogue – Local Policy Engagement by Non-State Actors in CAADP (June 2019)
Africa Lead as part of its Final Program Year Learning Series facilitated a learning event at the 15th CAADP Partnership Platform (PP) meeting to review the lessons learned and tools developed as part of the Non-State Actors Small Grants Program (SGP) carried out in partnership with the CAADP Non-State Actors Coalition (CNC).

Webinar: Catalyzing Action & Agricultural Transformation in Africa: Taking the Pulse of CAADP (June 2019)
On the heels of the 15th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Partnership Platform (CAADP-PP), Africa Lead in partnership with Agrilinks facilitated a conversation with practitioners and senior CAADP leadership to reflect on some of the challenges implementing CAADP, what we have learned about how the process can drive action at various levels, and the value of shared metrics for improving country ownership. Through the discussion, the panelists highlighted updates from the ongoing Biennial Review process,which measures progress toward achieving African-led food security and resilience policy priorities by 2025. Overall, this webinar will shed light on the lessons in utilizing CAADP as a framework to stimulate, coordinate and ultimately, accelerate policy-led agricultural transformation.
- Read more about the webinar & speakers
- Watch the webinar | Download the Webinar Slides | Webinar Transcript
Learning Materials
- Agrilinks Blog: Why does Africa’s Continental Food Security Policy Framework Matter to Small-holder Farmers Everywhere?
- African Union’s CAADP Toolkit on CAADP and the Biennial Review
Final Year Learning Series
Africa Lead is one of Feed the Future and USAID’s capacity building programs in sub-Saharan Africa. With a specific focus on supporting African-led food security and resilience, Africa Lead II’s goal has been to advance and support the African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme’s (CAADP) and USAID’s own goals of reduced hunger and poverty, and improved nutrition. The six-year program has supported the U.S. government’s Feed the Future programs alongside USAID and its bilateral and regional missions. To achieve African-led agricultural transformation and advance self-reliance, Africa Lead’s programs have set out to transform the capacity of leaders and institutions, activate networks and collaborative action, and ultimately empower African-led policy solutions at all levels of agricultural policy development.
Learning Series Objectives, Format & Focus
The objective of the Africa Lead II Final Year Learning Series is to educate Africa Lead’s partners about how the program’s work has evolved over the last six years and how the flexible mechanism allowed USAID and Feed the Future to respond to the rapidly changing African-led food security and resilience policy landscape. The learning series is intent on transferring experience, knowledge, best practices and lessons learned through a series of online webinars and in-person events (across Africa and a select number of events in Washington, DC), as well as through online materials (such as podcasts, blogs and articles) and thought-leadership pieces.
The content of the learning series will be organized in four tracks that reflect the program’s key areas of Africa Lead II’s theory of change.
- The first track is a general track of overarching or cross-cutting information related to Africa Lead’s overall goal of Supporting African-Led Food Security & Resilience.
- The second track will focus on Africa Lead’s formative work on Transforming Leaders & Institutions.
- The third track will focus on how Africa Lead evolved to focus on Activating Networks and Collaborative action as a key to driving transformative change.
- Lastly, the fourth track will focus on Africa Lead’s specific strategies to Empowering African-Lead Policy Solutions at the sub-national (local), national, regional and continental level.
Each “Learning Event” will incorporate into the sessions the specific Africa Lead II Approaches that were essential to executing programming that reflected the core values of Africa Lead’s facilitative and collaborative mandate